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My husband and I just found this website. He and our 2 daughters have hyperkeratosis. We have no idea what may be the right product for this condition. He is 49, and our daughters are 10 and 20. We would appreciate any advice. We have read many comments but have not seen any on the site that relate to this condition.


Any comments would be welcome.




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A glycolic acid mask is commonly used to treat this condition (or salicylic acid if you have very oily skin). We recommend a starting strength of 30% on the face (20% if you have sensitive skin) and 40% on the body (30% if you have sensitive skin). If you would like to view application instructions online, please review any of the following links:






For more information on hyperkeratosis and KAVI, please visit http://www.kaviskin.com/info/hyperkeratosis.html.

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