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  1. KAVI Support

    Please advise

    Please have a look at http://www.kaviskin.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=681 (Post #6). The suggestions we posted there may also apply to the use of KAVI products on your skin.
  2. Take at least a two-week break from any further applications of Salicylic Acid 15 and keep your skin well-moisturized during the hiatus. To help keep irritation low, avoid permitting any areas you've exfoliated to come into direct contact with the sun and keep use of antiseborrheics to a minimum. When you do recommence application, limit the peel to 20 seconds and monitor your skin's response. It does sound like your ideal application time will be well under 60 seconds, perhaps closer to 30-35 seconds once your skin acclimates to the peel's intensity. You may also wish to move down to Salicylic Acid 8 when the time comes to re-order should you feel more comfortable with a milder peel.
  3. Thank you for sharing your results: it's great to hear you've found the regimen that works for you!
  4. Given the potency of our products, they are in fact a tremendous economical value when compared to major-brand manufacturers who make their products with trace amounts of key active ingredients and ask a multiple of the prices KAVI customers pay. One way we keep prices low is by relying more on word-of-mouth advertising and less on large budgets for print and television advertising. Because Complex C is a treatment serum (not a moisturizer), we would strongly advise against mixing it with anything else. Jojoba oil would impede absorption of the serum and thus reduce its efficacy. Complex C should be applied twice per day, preferably directly after cleansing. Given the products you have chosen for your regimen, here is one product application sequence we think would be the most beneficial: Daily 1. Cleanse with the Aveeno exfoliating cleanser, 2. Apply Complex C, 3. Apply witch hazel, 4. Apply Aveeno SPF 15 (when planning on being outdoors), 5. Apply organic jojoba oil (typically, apply lipid-based moisturizers last, as they tend to form a barrier preventing subsequent treatments from properly penetrating; jojoba oil isn't technically a lipid, but it forms a functionally-similar barrier). Once Per Week Exfoliate with KAVI Salicylic Acid 8 after Step 1 above before proceeding with Step 2.
  5. For cases such as yours (oily skin, Coral KAVI up to thrice daily, no dryness but increased breakouts), rotating in a different sulfur application can be the solution. For instance, instead of cleansing three times daily with Coral KAVI, consider (1) reducing the application to once or twice daily and (2) introducing the Organic Sulfur Suspension as a once or twice daily application. Between the two, limit total applications to a maximum of three in a given 24-hour period. This specific combination has worked for others who share the same case parameters and symptoms you describe. Hopefully this approach will enable you to make some progress against the breakouts.
  6. As a general rule, water-based serums should be applied before lipid-based ones, so in your example, the Advanced Melanin Repair Serum would be applied first, then the Enhanced Retinol 0.30%. Additionally, please wait 3 minutes between applications to ensure proper absorption.
  7. If you have had 15% peels administered in the recent past with good results, then it would be reasonable to begin with a 15% strength with KAVI. The 8% strength is advisable for those whose skin is sensitive or for those who have not had a salicylic acid peel in the past 12 months.
  8. You can use either Aqua or Coral in the mornings or evenings. Try both to see which gives you better control over the oil. But if you're producing so much sebum such that the oil on your skin becomes bothersome a few hours into the day, it doesn't sound like you have a dryness issue. KAVI SPF30 can be used right after cleansing, mornings and evenings.
  9. In rare cases, your skin may react to dryness not only with whiteheads but also with cysts. This type of reaction, however, is more common with stronger antiseborrheics like BP. Does your skin feel dry, tight, and/or inflamed? If not, the cysts may be unrelated, but it would be a good idea to reduce usage of Coral KAVI to once per day in the meanwhile in case your skin is overwhelmed. If you find that the cysts disappear, you may wish to introduce a milder cleanser into your routine, such as Aqua KAVI or DermaWash. Either can be used as a complement to Coral KAVI or a replacement, depending on what's best for your skin. As for a non-greasy SPF moisturizer, you should look into KAVI SPF30. It is a very popular sunblock with those who have problem pores: it's water-based yet very capable as a moisturizer too.
  10. The foremost consideration in the prevention of premature aging should be maintaining well-hydrated skin. Coral KAVI is an antiseborrheic and can dry the skin temporarily, however, if you have very oily skin, usage of Coral KAVI as directed can balance sebum levels without leading to persistent dryness. We would recommend monitoring your skin regularly for symptoms of dryness while treating your acne with Coral KAVI, increasing/decreasing application intervals as needed.
  11. A complete facial peel will require about 4cc of solution (approximately 60 drops). This volume should yield you about 15 peels per 2oz bottle. Make sure to apply the peel to clean, dry skin, utilizing gentle semi-circle strokes of the gauze. There's no need to turn the gauze square over unless you note that fibers are separating from the grid. Apply the peel to the least sensitive areas of the skin first such that the more sensitive areas are exposed to the peel for a lesser period of time. A full-length peel will require a contact time between 20 and 90 seconds. If you find that your skin can tolerate exposure to the peel, gradually increase the time on subsequent peels from 20 seconds up to a maximum of 90 seconds. Allow a 7-day hiatus between peels for your skin to adequately recover. And finally, be sure to apply a sunblock to any exfoliated skin that may come into contact with the sun.
  12. Thank you for the detailed feedback, Alison. It's sure to be of great value to anyone evaluating our products for the treatment of their acne.
  13. If you haven't already read it, have a look at the recently-published Coral KAVI FAQ. It provides essential information on proper usage and long-term skin care. It can be found here: http://www.kaviskin.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=595. Using Coral KAVI three times per day is not recommended for anyone but those with the oiliest of skin. Itchiness and whiteheads sound like symptoms of dryness, and we would recommend you reduce your usage before you dry out your skin further. If you have combination skin (where some parts of your face are oily and others are normal or dry), consider lathering the oily parts only and then using the rinse to clean the remaining areas. Are you using any other anti-acne products at this time? Are there any other treatments you may be applying to your face that could be contributing to the redness? You may wish to consult with your dermatologist to determine if the redness is purely acne-related or compounded by another skin condition (e.g., psoriasis). Our milder cleansers (Aqua KAVI, DermaWash, the KAVI Toner) provide effective adjunctive therapy for inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis, rosacea, eczema, and, of course, acne. Based on your physician's diagnosis and if warranted, you may wish to move to one of these cleansers in the near future to address multiple conditions. Salicylic acid masks can provide additional relief to certain inflammatory skin conditions (e.g., psoriasis, acne) and may also be recommended by your doctor. If you are certain the redness you describe is strictly due to acne, then Coral KAVI (applied 1 to 2 times per day) is our recommended cleanser. Treatment may be augmented as needed with the KAVI Toner (applied once per evening after Coral KAVI or as the sole cleanser) and KAVI Salicylic Acid 8 (applied once per week). When treating any skin condition with antiseborrheics, remember that dryness is not an acceptable side effect to treatment. Keep your skin hydrated and reduce treatment if your skin shows symptoms of dryness.
  14. The Microderm Exfoliator can serve as a powerful adjunct to Coral KAVI for the treatment of blackheads and whiteheads. On sensitive skin, the Microderm Exfoliator should be applied less often (up to twice per week) to reduce the risk of inflammation.
  15. A glycolic acid mask between 40 and 60 would be optimal. Choose the strength based on the location on the legs and your skin's overall sensitivity. For example, if the age spots are near the bikini line, choose Glycolic Acid 40. Alternatively, if you have had peels at strengths above 40 without any irritation, and the age spots are on your thighs, Glycolic Acid 60 may be the appropriate application. Glycolic acid peels should be applied no more often than once per week. For age spots that have been recurring in the same location, glycolic acid treatment may need to be augmented with a melanocyte-diffusing serum such as the Advanced Melanin Repair Serum (applied up to twice per day, skipped on days when applying a peel).
  16. Before commencing with any of KAVI's anti-acne line, you should first stop using BP for a minimum of four weeks to allow your skin a full recovery from BP's antiseborrheic effects. After your four-week hiatus, consider a KAVI anti-acne system for normal/dry skin. Choose System II if your acne is milder (more papules or pustules) or System III if it is more severe (more nodules or cysts). While treating your skin with either system, be sure not to compound treatment with BP or any other anti-acne product to avoid drying out your skin. Unlike benzoyl peroxide, our anti-acne products can safely be used over the long-term and will not irritate the skin, disrupt or stimulate sebum production, or accelerate the onset of premature aging. Successful long-term use, however, requires overall moderation in treatment and modifications (as needed) to application intervals to suit your unique skin type.
  17. For the upper arms, the best starting strengths would be Glycolic Acid 40 and Salicylic Acid 15. Based on the skin's response, you can make a determination when it is time to re-order whether you would like to continue with the same strength or move up one level.
  18. That looks like a fine regimen. SPF30, applied as needed (day or night), would be a great moisturizer for regular use.
  19. Chemical peels are effective as a treatment for KP by way of keratolysis. In other words, actives like glycolic acid and salicylic acid must have a pH of less than 2.5 and consequently be used as a mask rather than a leave-on serum in order to treat KP. We also would not recommend mixing the two acids into one solution, as each will obstruct the other's maximum addressable surface area on the skin. For many, salicylic acid peels are the most effective chemical peel for the treatment of KP, however in cases where the skin tends to be dry or more sensitive, glycolic acid will be a better choice. The use of both salicylic acid and glycolic acid may also be optimal in certain cases, and for such treatment plans, we would advise a weekly rotation of each peel (e.g., salicylic acid on odd weeks and glycolic acid on even weeks). You should not administer more than a total of one peel per week unless otherwise instructed by your physician, who may elect a more aggressive schedule under their supervision.
  20. It sounds like you need to give your skin a break from any medicated cleanser for the next two weeks. Try cleansing with the Toner alone (once in the mornings and once in the evenings). Once your skin recovers and the inflammation has subsided, then either Aqua KAVI or DermaWash (even milder) would be prudent to try next. They both contain half as much sulfur as Coral KAVI and no salicylic acid. Since your skin appears to have responded very well to sulfur in the first month, the goal now is to identify the optimal dosage and application frequency, and either Aqua KAVI or DermaWash would be a step in the right direction.
  21. Your objective would be to effectively treat your skin without drying it out in the process. If cleansing once every 24 hours with Coral KAVI is enough to keep your skin clean and acne-free, then that should be your daily regimen. However, if you feel that you need to cleanse more than once per day, then using the Toner for one of your two cleansing sessions would be a good idea. Going back to cleansing twice per day with Coral KAVI may also work, but you may find that dryness and a subsequent breakout of whiteheads may ensue after a few months since the recent addition of a very mild product such as the Toner to your routine was enough to dry out your skin. Here is another way to look at what may be happening. Assume Coral KAVI has a potency value of 5 and the Toner has a potency value of 2. Assume that your skin can handle 10 units of treatment every day. Because the use of antiseborrheics can have a compounding effect over time, Coral KAVI's realized value may be 5.5 or 6 in a couple of months. The reason for this is because treating treated skin can be more intensive than treating untreated skin. So while cleansing with Coral KAVI twice per day may be ok for you now, over time it may become too strong for you. Therefore, it may be more prudent to try Coral KAVI once every 24 hours and the Toner once every 24 hours offset 12 hours from the Coral KAVI application.
  22. Can you elaborate on how often you are cleansing with Coral KAVI and the Toner? For very dry skin, we recommend milder anti-acne cleansers like Aqua KAVI or DermaWash to Coral KAVI. It is possible your skin was just able to tolerate the drying effects of Coral KAVI and that the Toner increased dryness one step beyond. Because the Toner is a milder product, a better regimen may involve reduced application of Coral KAVI while using the Toner. Here are two sample scenarios: If you are oilier in the mornings: (1) Cleanse with Coral KAVI in the morning, (2) Cleanse with water only in the evening, pat skin dry, apply Toner to skin with cotton ball. If you are oilier in the evenings: (1) Cleanse with water only in the morning, pat skin dry, apply Toner to skin with cotton ball, (2) Cleanse with Coral KAVI in the evening.
  23. The Toner is a final-stage cleanser, so the order would be Coral KAVI, Toner, then moisturizer.
  24. Generally speaking, yes, glycolic acid is safe to use after Coral KAVI. Coral KAVI is in fact a recommended pre-peel cleanser for our glycolic acid masks.
  25. We cannot really comment on the products of other companies, but if you had been using the glycolic cream for its exfoliating properties, KAVI makes glycolic acid products of varying strengths that can give you the same exfoliation sans the oiliness you had been experiencing with the cream. Here are a few glycolic acid based products to consider, listed in order of potency: Microderm Exfoliator - may be used twice weekly. If used in combination with Coral KAVI, cleanse with the Microderm Exfoliator in the mornings and Coral KAVI in the evenings on days when using the scrub. Glycolic Acid 20 - apply once per week. Coral KAVI may be used to cleanse skin before application of peel. Glycolic Acid 30 - apply once per week. Coral KAVI may be used to cleanse skin before application of peel. To self-diagnose the suspicious blemishes on your skin, there are a couple of things we can suggest. If your skin is feeling dry and tight, then you may need to reduce the number of times you cleanse with Coral KAVI. If your skin's condition does not appear dry, continue using Coral KAVI and see if new blemishes are forming. If the new formations are indeed acne infections, you may need additional treatment to complement Coral KAVI in addressing these more resilient formations. A salicylic acid peel (e.g., an 8% strength) applied once per week combined with a Toner applied once per evening would be a good next step. KAVI Salicylic Acid 8 will also exfoliate your skin and you may find that it will be an adequate replacement for a glycolic acid mask while you are treating your acne. Once your acne is in remission, moving to a glycolic acid mask would give you accelerated recovery from residual surface scarring. Here is a sample set of skin care routines to help you get started: First Cycle Objectives: Acne Treatment Interval: 8 to 12 weeks Cleanse mornings with Coral KAVI or Microderm Exfoliator Cleanse evenings with Coral KAVI followed by the KAVI Toner Apply Salicylic Acid 8 once per week. Second Cycle Objectives: Maintenance, Superficial Scarring Treatment Interval: 8 to 12 weeks Cleanse mornings with Coral KAVI or Microderm Exfoliator Cleanse evenings with Coral KAVI followed by the KAVI Toner Apply Glycolic Acid 30 once per week, beginning on Week 5 (no peels for first four weeks)
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