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Everything posted by newuser1991

  1. Hi I already posted this in the general discussion, but I saw more recent activity on this discussion thread so I figured I would ask here as well. I am currently using Kavi Coral twice per day for the past two weeks and am still breaking out on my forehead and around the mouth a little. But most severely on the forehead, that has always been my biggest problem area for acne. Besides using Kavi Coral I also take around 30 mg of zinc per day and fish oil. I also take 1-2 apple cider vinegar shots which I have heard can help with acne. basically my question is whether or not I can also use apple cider vinegar for spot treatment on my forehead along with the Kavi Coral Wash?
  2. Is it safe to wash face with kavi coral and then use apple cider vinegar for specific spot treatments on 1 or 2 acne spots maximum?
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