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in what order do I use products

Guest tracie sheppard

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Guest tracie sheppard

I just rec'd my order of Kavi (combo/oily IV) I am not sure what order to use the system in nor do I know if I can use it around my eye area.

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Instructions for all systems may be found by clicking on the system number from the product page or by visiting http://www.kaviskin.com/pages.php?pageid=19.


Because skin in the eye region is thinner and more sensitive than other parts of the face, use care when applying stronger products such as KAVI exfoliation masks near the eyes.


If you have sensitive skin, it is not recommended to use stronger products such as KAVI exfoliation masks in the eye region. KAVI products such as Complex A and Complex C were developed specifically for treatment in and around the periorbital region. KAVI Enhanced Retinol 0.30%, stronger than Complex C, is also a safer alternative to glycolic or salicylic acid exfoliation on skin near the eyes.

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