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Acne scarring on darker skin

Guest Sheena

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I am very interested in your salicylic acid peels. However I do have sensitive skin. I have over the years dealt with problems of acne and it's ugly scars left behind. I am an A.American woman and would like to know how this product will work with our skin. Will we be able to see any changes.

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Our salicylic peels are used primarily as part of a pore maintenance program in the treatment of acne. We make four different strengths, from 8% to 35%. KAVI Salicylic Acid 25 is the strongest formulation that is available to non-professionals, however we recommend first-time use of salicylic acid peels to be limited to the 8% and 15% strengths. Choosing between an 8% an 15% strength is determined by the sensitivity of the target area on which the peel is to be applied. Typically, if the target area is on the body, skin will be thicker, more resilient, and able to tolerate a higher strength, such as Salicylic Acid 15.


For scarring that is recessed >1mm from the surface of the skin, a deeper glycolic acid peel may be required through your physician. Unbuffered glycolic acid peels can keratolyze and help reshape large sections of skin damaged by severe acne.

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