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Acne scarring

Guest Johanna

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Guest Johanna

hello!! pls. help me decide what to get. I have a mild acne scar on my right cheek and on my chin. What would be the best product for me? I am currently usinf a blemish toner that is 2% salicyc acid. If I decide to purchase the glycolic versus salicylic, is it okay to combine those two? pls. let me know! Thanks!

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Glycolic acid peels can be very effective on mild acne scars (i.e., scars that are less than 1mm recessed form the skin’s surface). If you do not have prior experience with glycolic peels at concentrations of 20% and greater, it would be best to begin with a strength no greater than 30% for your cheek.


Glycolic peels are applied once per week and are ok to use in conjunction with a 2% salicylic acid toner. More information on our glycolic peels may be found here: http://www.kaviskin.com/info/glycolic-acid.html.

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Guest Johanna

thank you so much! For the glycolic peel, do I only put it on the affected

areas(my right cheek and chin) or do I have to apply all over my face and

neck? And is it okay to apply a moisturizer after?

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