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When To use Toner


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The Toner is a final-stage cleanser, so the order would be Coral KAVI, Toner, then moisturizer.


Hello, I've noticed that since user the toner my acne has increased by quite a bit. The original reason I got the toner is because I noticed that my results with the Kavi Coral + weekly salicylic peel were diminishing. The first month I had used them I had quite good results, but I slowly noticed that my acne was coming back and my skin was getting much drier.


So I ask now, should I continue using the toner? I am thinking that the reason I am having negative results is due to the toner drying out my already overly dry skin. So I plan to cut the toner and only use kavi coral once a day. Do you think that I should just stop using all kavi products for a while, or just reduce usage of coral and remit the toner?



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Can you elaborate on how often you are cleansing with Coral KAVI and the Toner? For very dry skin, we recommend milder anti-acne cleansers like Aqua KAVI or DermaWash to Coral KAVI. It is possible your skin was just able to tolerate the drying effects of Coral KAVI and that the Toner increased dryness one step beyond.


Because the Toner is a milder product, a better regimen may involve reduced application of Coral KAVI while using the Toner. Here are two sample scenarios:


If you are oilier in the mornings:

(1) Cleanse with Coral KAVI in the morning,

(2) Cleanse with water only in the evening, pat skin dry, apply Toner to skin with cotton ball.


If you are oilier in the evenings:

(1) Cleanse with water only in the morning, pat skin dry, apply Toner to skin with cotton ball,

(2) Cleanse with Coral KAVI in the evening.

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My skin has started to shed the past couple of days since I started only using Coral once a day, and I assume this is a good sign that my skin is recovering to a healthier state, as when I first switched to Coral this also happened. In addition, last time it shed like this it was in a great state for the next month. So do you recommend that I keep this regimen of washing with Coral once a day without toner? Or do you believe that I should still use the toner? In one of your FAQ's it says that a bunch of small bumps is a sign of overly dry skin, which I definitely developed when I was using Coral twice a day, but on one of your other questions it says that toner is used to clear bumps and clogged skin. Wouldn't the toner make my skin drier as you said in your response?



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Your objective would be to effectively treat your skin without drying it out in the process. If cleansing once every 24 hours with Coral KAVI is enough to keep your skin clean and acne-free, then that should be your daily regimen. However, if you feel that you need to cleanse more than once per day, then using the Toner for one of your two cleansing sessions would be a good idea. Going back to cleansing twice per day with Coral KAVI may also work, but you may find that dryness and a subsequent breakout of whiteheads may ensue after a few months since the recent addition of a very mild product such as the Toner to your routine was enough to dry out your skin.


Here is another way to look at what may be happening. Assume Coral KAVI has a potency value of 5 and the Toner has a potency value of 2. Assume that your skin can handle 10 units of treatment every day. Because the use of antiseborrheics can have a compounding effect over time, Coral KAVI's realized value may be 5.5 or 6 in a couple of months. The reason for this is because treating treated skin can be more intensive than treating untreated skin. So while cleansing with Coral KAVI twice per day may be ok for you now, over time it may become too strong for you. Therefore, it may be more prudent to try Coral KAVI once every 24 hours and the Toner once every 24 hours offset 12 hours from the Coral KAVI application.

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Well I started to use the coral kavi only once a day and while skin is dry to the point of flaking anymore, I seem to have started developing small red bumps that I do not believe are acne cysts. It seems everything is looking downhill now, and I am wondering if I should have gotten the aqua kavi instead. Originally I thought my skin was a type normal/dry, so I questioned using the coral, but only the coral kavi is described to treat acne cysts. I would consider my acne pretty mild so do you think I made the wrong choice? I really liked the coral kavi at first, but it seems that things are just getting worse.



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It sounds like you need to give your skin a break from any medicated cleanser for the next two weeks. Try cleansing with the Toner alone (once in the mornings and once in the evenings). Once your skin recovers and the inflammation has subsided, then either Aqua KAVI or DermaWash (even milder) would be prudent to try next. They both contain half as much sulfur as Coral KAVI and no salicylic acid. Since your skin appears to have responded very well to sulfur in the first month, the goal now is to identify the optimal dosage and application frequency, and either Aqua KAVI or DermaWash would be a step in the right direction.

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