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coral kavi usage


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Hi there,


I have been using coral kavi for over two weeks now and have noticed my skin is getting significantly worse. I use the product twice a day with my clarisonic brush. It seems like my skin is getting terrible and have huge zits on my chin and jawline. I am not sure if I should just return this stuff and try the aqua kavi or reduce my usage. I also use ERYTH-BENZ PEROX GEL at night as spot treatment. In addition, I have increased my water intake and have limited my dairy intake. I was really hoping these products would work, I don't know what to do.


Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated,



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Coral KAVI twice per day with a clarisonic brush and a benzoyl peroxide gel once per night is too intense. You need to choose between BP and sulfur: for all but the oiliest skin, this combination will overwhelm your skin and lead to inflammation, dryness, and consequently, an immune response in the form of breakouts.


It would be best to give your skin a two-week break. During this time, your system will flush out most of the antiseborrheics and return to a more natural state. If you are considering recommencing treatment with Coral KAVI, avoid BP and just use your hands to apply the Coral KAVI to your face. Start with once per day for one week and monitor your skin's response before considering a move to twice per day. If you do need to cleanse with something other than water when not using Coral KAVI, opt for a gentle, pH-balanced liquid cleanser (e.g., Glycolic Cleanser 10 or DermaWash).


Your skin is a delicate organ and should always be treated as such. It's very easy to overwhelm your skin when treating your acne, but with a regimen appropriately tuned to your unique skin type, success is within reach for any acne problem.

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