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Hormonal Acne


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The reason(s) you breakout only on your cheeks and chin may not be easy to determine. It could be because those areas come into contact with your hands more often, resulting in a transfer of dirt and oils to the pores on your face, which in turn could lead to more breakouts. Or it could be because the pore geometry on your cheeks and chin make comedone formation and subsequent infection more likely. Or it could be something more systemic.


The first steps would be to (a) monitor everything that comes into contact with those regions on your face (e.g., hands, makeup, lotions, fabrics, etc.), and (B) use a toner or mild salicylic acid mask to clean out your pores and temporarily reduce/normalize pore diameter. If those steps prove unsuccessful, have a look at your diet, beginning with dairy. Animal fats, hormones, or enzymes could be triggering an allergic response in your body that is manifesting itself as the breakouts you see on your face.

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When we wrote above that "animal fats, hormones, or enzymes could be triggering an allergic response in your body that is manifesting itself as the breakouts you see on your face," we meant animal fats, animal hormones, or animal enzymes. Whether the cause of your breakouts is dietary or hormonal, and if neither can be controlled, then weekly peels and a toner will not so much prevent acne as they will minimize the magnitude of them when they do occur.

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