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How to Use Toner


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I am currently using the Coral KAVI bar twice a day; once in the morning and once at night. Additionally, I use the Salicyclic Acid Peel 8 once per week and use it as a spot treatment on days I do not actually do the peel. I also moisturize twice per day. I am definitely seeing results from where I used to be, but I my pores are still rather clogged and I am getting the somewhat small, but frequent breakout. I am curious as to when and how a toner (whether it be the KAVI toner or a home-made one) should be incorporated into my regimen? Is it something that gets applied and stays on the skin or should it be used as a second cleanser and washed off? Thanks!

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Great to hear your skin is on the path to becoming acne-free. As with most toners, the KAVI Toner does not need to be washed off. Apply it with a cotton ball or gauze square once per evening after your initial cleanse with Coral KAVI, and you should be ready to moisturize after the ethanol from the Toner has evaporated.

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There are and have been several types of toners for skin. To find the reason why toner is called toner would require some historical research into earlier iterations of toner products. Even today, there are different types of toners that perform varying functions from cleansing to moisturizing. The KAVI Toner is indicated as a second-stage cleanser for pores. It helps clear them of any residual dirt, cellular debris, and/or makeup, and it temporarily reduces pore diameter to give the skin a more consistent texture.

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