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Forehead Cysts


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Hello, I started using Coral Kavi about a week ago with an alcohol-free with hazel toner. Some parts of my skin seems to be clearing up and smoothing out, however I've developed two big cysts on my forehead right above my eyebrow. This used to be a major problem spot so I'm wondering if this is a kind of purge of the area. I use the coral bar either once or twice a day, and my skin hasnt become too dry. I just wanted to see if this is a common occurrence. thanks!

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Sometimes dryness does not have pronounced symptoms. To make sure you are not breaking out due to dryness, keep your skin hydrated with a non-comedogenic moisturizer, preferably immediately after cleansing with Coral KAVI. You can always temporarily cease use of a moisturizer at a later time to test your skin's response to Coral KAVI sans compensating hydration, but at the commencement of treatment, it would be best to contain the possibility of a reaction before it leads to more acute inflammation.

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Thanks, I've been using the witch hazel as a moosturizer/toner, as I feel most moisturizers contribute to my breakouts, even cetaphil and cerave profucts. This could be an incorrect assumption, but would you have a particular moisturizer that you recommend? Also, do you think Witch Hazel is inadequate in this case. I have heard good things and tried hemp seed oil, but I had some breakouts. Again, its always difficult to tell what the breakouts may be coming from. I have been smoking a lot of marijuana over the past few years and have stopped the last day or two. I'm curious if this could be the source all along. Thanks.

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Shea butter is an inexpensive and very effective general-purpose moisturizer (far more so than witch hazel or products from Cetaphil, etc.) that does not lead to breakouts for most skin types. It's like a butter in its appearance and feel, and you may have doubts about its non-comedogenicity upon visual inspection, but it would be advisable to evaluate it, if not at least on a small control area first.


Smoke from marijuana use may play a part in clogging your pores, but if you practice that activity in a well-ventilated area, the effect on your skin can be close to zero.

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