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Products for Age Spots

Guest Angie

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Guest Angie

I have uneven skin color and some age spots. I want to have clear skin, is it possible to acheive this with your product? If so, which one? Thanks, Angie age 36

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There are a number of products from which you can choose, the best choice depending on your skin’s sensitivity. For facial skin, the mildest product we make for uneven pigmentation (e.g., age spots) is Enhanced Retinol 0.30%. A more intensive option would be a glycolic acid exfoliation mask, such as Glycolic Acid 20 or 30.


For more information on a complete skin care regimen, please review our anti-aging systems at http://www.kaviskin.com/search.php?mode=se...n&by_sku=on. There are four different systems to choose from for each skin group.

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