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Did i order the right system?


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I just odered the kavi oily/combination system IV but now I'm worried maybe it will be too strong? My acne started around age 20 and got way worse when I got pregnant at 23/24 now I'm 26 and the acne has gotten better since I was pregnant but is still there. I have combo skin, dry cheeks and oily nose and forehead. As for acne my cheeks have a ton of little bumps which I assume is my KP that came back (i haven't had kp on my cheeks since I was little, but have always had it on my arms and thighs). I get white heads on my jawline and neck. A little bit of small pimples on my forehead. And black heads on my nose and chin. As well as some sort of small pimples around my mouth. I just want to make sure I'm not going to screw up my face even more by using the system IV from drying etc.

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Systems III and IV are virtually identical but for the salicylic acid component. You can control the intensity of a salicylic peel by changing the length of time it is on your skin. The 15% is better for nodular acne, and it sounds like you have the smaller papules (better treated with Salicylic Acid 8). Salicylic Acid 15 will not dry out your skin more than Salicylic Acid 8, though it is a stronger comedolytic and will work more effectively against denser comedones.


If your skin does begin to dry out, increase the intervals between cleansings with Coral KAVI. For example, if cleansing twice per day is drying out your skin, reduce to once per day and skip the peel for that week. If once per day is still too much, reduce to once every other day and rotate in a milder cleanser (e.g., Cetaphil) or just use water.


You also have the option to apply the peel once every other week. Everyone's skin is different, and you have to experiment with the application intervals to find the optimal regimen for you.


And if you would like to switch to a lower system, please contact KAVI Support for assistance.

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Ok so I received my kavi system today and used the acid peel thing... With in a few seconds it buuuurned but only on my cheeks. My skin feels way better / smoother though since using it. Should I try to go down to the 8? Or will my skin just form a resistance to this over time after getting used to it.

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