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  1. I am a 36 year old woman with very few wrinkles and fair skin who had been experiencing adult acne since my mid to late 20's. These were large, cyst like acne that never came to a head and were very painful. Along with that I had many blackheads and my pores became enlarged. I also experienced very intense painful breakouts during my menstrual cycle - these would often leave scars in the same place month after month, never allowing my skin to heal. I believe that stress and the cosmetics I was using were to blame. Well, thanks to your products, in under 3 months I became acne free!! I have stopped the cyst-like acne completely and only have an occasional whitehead that comes and goes within a day or two. I have fewer clogged pores and blackheads than at any other time in my life!! My pores are visibly getting smaller all the time. AMAZING. I get compliments all the time!! I use the Coral Kavi soap, Kavi Toner, Sulfur Suspension (during menstruation to be proactive), Complex P for spot treatment, Glycolipidic Moisturizer, Hyaluronic Acid 95 and SPF 30 every day. I faithfully used the Salicylic Acid 8 for 12 weeks (once a week) and will now begin to use the Glycolic Acid 30 to help lift any remaining scars I have. Your line has been a blessing to me - my skin is very fair and every acne blemish or scar looks glaringly red. I feel much more confident and I never have to worry about it my skin will behave when trying to make a good impression. Thanks so much!!! --Sue
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