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need help!!

Guest drea'

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Guest drea'

hello i am currently interested in your products how every i am unsure of what to get. I have a couple of issues that i am trying to correct. 1st i have acne scaring on my cheeks and i was prescribed medication to help with that along with laser to remove facial hair but i am looking for something to accompany my routine for my face.  2nd i have hair on my chest and my lower stomach under my belly button. I was already tested and came back negative to having any in-hormonal balance. The hair is pretty thick on my stomach not so much on my chest but i am looking into something that can help clear up the ingrown scarring as well my bikini area. Please Help!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

First off, please accept our apologies for the delayed response.. we had a technical issue with our forum that prevented us from seeing certain posts.

For acne scarring, please have a look at the following table to help you better understand how our peels can help:

Choosing the Appropriate Chemical Treatment for Acne Scarring
Target Area Above the Neckline Below the Neckline
Rate of Infection Sustained In Regression Sustained In Regression
Scarring <1mm Deep >1mm Deep <1mm Deep >1mm Deep <1mm Deep >1mm Deep <1mm Deep >1mm Deep
Level I Salicylic Acid 8 Salicylic Acid 15 Glycolic Acid 30 Glycolic Acid 30
Salicylic Acid 15 Salicylic Acid 25 Glycolic Acid 40 Glycolic Acid 30
Level II Salicylic Acid 15 Salicylic Acid 25 Glycolic Acid 40 Glycolic Acid 40
Salicylic Acid 25 Salicylic Acid 35 Glycolic Acid 50 Glycolic Acid 40
Level III Salicylic Acid 25 Salicylic Acid 35 Glycolic Acid 50 Glycolic Acid 50
Salicylic Acid 35 Glycolic Acid 50
Glycolic Acid 60 Glycolic Acid 50
Level IV Salicylic Acid 35 Glycolic Acid 50
Glycolic Acid 60 Glycolic Acid 70
Glycolic Acid 50
Glycolic Acid 70
Glycolic Acid 30
Glycolic Acid 70


For ingrown hairs, we would advise using KAVI Salicylic Acid 15 or 25 as a spot treatment. Apply KAVI Salicylic Acid directly on the infected pore with a cotton swab twice daily until the infection drains and the hair can be removed with tweezers. Be careful not to get the acid on surrounding healthy tissue, as this can lead to unnecessary inflammation and irritation. 

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